People have come to expect, due to others embellishment of their success in network marketing, that network marketing is either a bomb or an overnight success. That’s hardly the truth. In consideration of the fact that many people will come, the people that become successful and stick with it will be people who are peace with these facts and suggestions and live their lives accordingly. This article was written based on information contained in an article “I’m In” in On-Line Magazine by Jonathon Schwartz, who at the age of 14 is the youngest network marketer and one with a large national network.
1. Make a total commitment to leadership for at least one year. Whether a total commitment for you is five hours a week or forty hours a week, stick with it for at least twelve full months.
2. Sell yourself first, then the product, and then the payment plan. Remember, nobody is going to work with you unless they first feel comfortable working with you.
3. Spend 90% of your business time with recruits, customers and prospects. These are the areas that make network marketing what it is today.
4. Present our products and earning opportunity to at least one person per day. If you only have half an hour to spend on your business, spend that time calling a new prospect. By the time your downline is so big you need more than a half an hour a day to do all of your work, you’ll be earning enough to take off more than a half an hour a day.
5. Let everyone know that you are in leadership. Advertise to everyone. The best way to do this subtly is by asking people you meet, ”So, what do you do for a living?” They will most likely tell you their occupation and then ask you the same question. You now have another lead.
6. Duplicate yourself in all of new reps you sign on. Do this by telling and showing them exactly what you do, then have them follow the process.
7. Motivate your downline every month by offering recognition, money, or prizes to the rep who sells the most. Inexpensive books about network marketing or sales make excellent prizes.
8. Mingle with top reps and ask how they made it. Free advice should always be appreciated and accepted with open arms.
9. Be persistent. Only one of twenty people you approach may get serious about leadership or sales.
10. Lead by example. Never stop selling, recruiting, or training. If your downline sees that you’re able to do something, they will do it, too.
11. Keep it simple. The best marketing strategies are those that your downline can easily copy and implement for themselves. The best network marketing companies have a marketing system that anyone can easily copy and implement for themselves.
12. Keep in touch with your downline and upline. Send out a monthly newsletter, make monthly calls, hold monthly meetings, send out monthly postcards, and always send out important information immediately.
13. When meeting with a prospect, conduct brief, simple, yet interesting presentations. Prospects become annoyed if a presentation is too long, too boring, or sleazy.
14. Listen 80% of the time, talk 20% of the time.
15. Concentrate on what you can do for your downline and customers, not on your own profits. By concerning yourself with others, your profits will rise on their own.
16. Give customers more than they expect. Everybody loves a free gift – “What goes around comes around.”
17. Don’t accept “no” as a final answer. “No” usually means “not now”. The vast majority of prospects will not sign up the first time you contact them. Be sure to follow up at least every 30 days with new information or another reason to join your company.
18. Speak enthusiastically about your business and products. If you aren’t enthused about them, then surely no one else will be, either.
19. Work on top priority projects that produce the most return. Nonetheless, always leave time for the less important things that are important in keeping your organization running smoothly.
20. Build your list of contacts daily while you build your reputation. The more reputable and well-known you become, the more your organization will grow.
21. Approach former top distributors. They are open. Often top distributors are looking for a new/better company to work with. If you contact them during their search, you’ll have an excellent prospect.
22. Fit the needs of a prospect with the benefits of your product and/or leadership. Remember, a rep does not force his/her product or the leadership opportunity onto a prospect – they accommodate their prospect’s needs.
23. Organize your files so that you can locate any piece of information immediately. You never know when a prospect will ask you about something you’ve filed away.
24. Use a quality answering machine or voice mail service with a professional greeting and return all calls within 24 hours. If you make a prospect wait too long, they will lose interest or select another offer.
25. Set daily, weekly, and yearly goals and commit them to writing. Remember that goals are simply dreams with deadlines, so do what is necessary to fulfill them.
26. Do not pass rumors upline or downline. Stop all rumors by going straight to the source and finding out the facts.
27. Listen to cassette tapes, read books, and watch videos made by network marketing superstars. It’s always necessary to be improving your skills.
28. Subscribe to network marketing magazines. While the information may not be as detailed as that in a book, magazines can offer valuable ideas and information.
29. Expand your organization nationwide. Think big, act big, and pretty soon, your income will be big.
30. Tell others, especially prospects, what they are interested in hearing, not what you think they should know. What you may think is the best aspect of a commission plan may not be what the prospect is looking for.
31. Spend money on things that will make you more money. Many things such as books and magazine subscriptions may not seem as though they will help increase your profits. Think again.
32. Schedule important tasks for the time of day at which you perform your best. For me that’s about 10 am.
33. Be sure to put a portion of your profits back into the business. By investing nearly $200 in advertising, your return could be ten times your investment.
34. Know that if others can do it (an we can), so can you. Most of the time there is nothing to hold you back except yourself. Let yourself go and achieve your full potential.
35. Give yourself a reward for reaching goals and a penalty for falling short.
36. Have a lot of fun in your business! This will give others another reason for joining you.
37. Write an outline of what you are going to say when you call a prospect. Be sure to include the key words and concepts you want to convey.
38. Write yourself a 30-second commercial. Include information about you, Avon, and why your opportunity is the best one available.
39. Sell the steak, not the sizzle. Prospects become annoyed if you add too much spice and sizzle to your presentation. Present the facts in a positive way, but don’t go overboard.
40. Decide today that you are going to succeed. Do whatever you need to do to succeed, and never let yourself think for one moment that you won’t.
41. Make a plant today. Decide how much time and money you are going to invest, how many reps and how much profit you want in a certain time period. Follow your plan.
42. Get the right tools for your business: a fax machine, an answering machine or service, voice mail, three-way calling, business cards, and stationery.
43. Start at your own pace. If you want to start out small, start small. Grow as you want to grow, but don’t put it off.
44. Know your product, company, and payment plan inside-out. Make sure there is no question a prospect can ask you that you can’t answer.
45. Ask your prospect what they are looking for in a business opportunity, and shape your presentation to fill their individual needs.
46. Sort out your prospects. Spend less time with the prospect who is not as motivated as others, and spend more time shaping motivated prospects into leaders.
47. Network marketing does not end when the sale is made. Work with your downline. Keep in mind that their success is your success.
48. Keep good relations with everyone you meet. A distributor in another company may be no good to you now, but who knows where he/she may be in the future.
49. Go for it! Do it now!
50. Don’t let anything stand in your way. You can be anything you want to be if you do your best to get there!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Would you be fired?
(this question was posted on our community board, Great Question)
Just a question to those who are not doing well with Avon and don't know what to do.
If this was your paying job that you interviewed for and you HAD to have a sales quota and recruiting quota. Would you be fired?
I treat my business as such and that is why I have good sales and lots of recruits.
I plan my day. I make a “To Do” list for each day. I also have a weekly plan for what needs to get done each week. This week I have to get books out since this is the start of C12 for me. I have check on my reps that did not order. I have to make sure I get my 3-5 recruits for this campaign.
My order comes I have to pack orders, deliver, label books etc etc.
I need to toss ..hang..(4 cases of old books)
If this was my job and I had a boss and I did not complete this stuff I would no longer have a job and therefore no longer have a paycheck.
Just a new way to think about it if you are struggling.
I treat my business as such and that is why I have good sales and lots of recruits.
I plan my day. I make a “To Do” list for each day. I also have a weekly plan for what needs to get done each week. This week I have to get books out since this is the start of C12 for me. I have check on my reps that did not order. I have to make sure I get my 3-5 recruits for this campaign.
My order comes I have to pack orders, deliver, label books etc etc.
I need to toss ..hang..(4 cases of old books)
If this was my job and I had a boss and I did not complete this stuff I would no longer have a job and therefore no longer have a paycheck.
Just a new way to think about it if you are struggling.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Article: The Success Power of Patience in a Home.......
"One of the single greatest Success trait of
all Millionaires in the Home Business Profession
is PATIENCE. Most people ‘outpatient' themselves
right out of this profession."
Doug Firebaugh
Hurry up and wait.
That is how most entrepreneurs feel. They want to have
a sense of urgency, but yet they know they need to be
patient because all businesses take time and effort.
Most are willing to give the effort...for a while.
It is the TIME that most have a challenge with.
Don't outpatient yourself out of this profession.
Where your business is today is nowhere close to
where it will be 3 years from now.
Keep focused and sharing . Keep sharing the
Information daily.
What you are doing today is planting seeds. They may
not grow next week. It may be months from now.
But they ARE GOING TO GROW as it is your destiny
and future- MASSIVE Success and Achievement.
Just make sure you are around and active when the
harvest season comes flooding in!
And that season is right around the corner!
What kind of harvest would a farmer have
without planting thousands of SEEDS?
Every Conversation is a SEED.
Every Phone Call is a SEED.
Every Appointment is a SEED.
Every ACTION is a SEED that you sow.
Are YOU sowing SEEDS in the RIGHT SOIL?
Talking to the same people daily is NOT a
great idea.
You do NOT CHASE people or beg people.
This is not Net-beg Marketing.
Talk to someone NEW everyday!
That means someone you have NOT talked to before!
And BE PATIENT and understand that Seeds have their
time of sprouting and growing. You WILL Succeed!
That alone will yield a HARVEST!
blessings...doug firebaugh
PassionFire International
P.O. Box 943
Birmingham, MI
all Millionaires in the Home Business Profession
is PATIENCE. Most people ‘outpatient' themselves
right out of this profession."
Doug Firebaugh
Hurry up and wait.
That is how most entrepreneurs feel. They want to have
a sense of urgency, but yet they know they need to be
patient because all businesses take time and effort.
Most are willing to give the effort...for a while.
It is the TIME that most have a challenge with.
Don't outpatient yourself out of this profession.
Where your business is today is nowhere close to
where it will be 3 years from now.
Keep focused and sharing . Keep sharing the
Information daily.
What you are doing today is planting seeds. They may
not grow next week. It may be months from now.
But they ARE GOING TO GROW as it is your destiny
and future- MASSIVE Success and Achievement.
Just make sure you are around and active when the
harvest season comes flooding in!
And that season is right around the corner!
What kind of harvest would a farmer have
without planting thousands of SEEDS?
Every Conversation is a SEED.
Every Phone Call is a SEED.
Every Appointment is a SEED.
Every ACTION is a SEED that you sow.
Are YOU sowing SEEDS in the RIGHT SOIL?
Talking to the same people daily is NOT a
great idea.
You do NOT CHASE people or beg people.
This is not Net-beg Marketing.
Talk to someone NEW everyday!
That means someone you have NOT talked to before!
And BE PATIENT and understand that Seeds have their
time of sprouting and growing. You WILL Succeed!
That alone will yield a HARVEST!
blessings...doug firebaugh
PassionFire International
P.O. Box 943
Birmingham, MI
Friday, May 6, 2011
Why You Should Start Your Own Business Today
Six reasons to become an entrepreneur
John was 53 when the bad news hit: His department was being moved offshore. Since joining the company eight years earlier, he had worked his way up to a solid position in middle management with a decent salary and great benefits. Now, he was out of a job.
Having spent his entire adult life in corporate positions, he knew he could go job hunting. But this was the fifth time he’d had a “secure” position shot out from under him, whether through downsizing, restructuring or other reorganization. With a wife and two teenagers to clothe and feed, he was no longer willing to trust his future to this game of corporate roulette. It was time to go into business for himself.
The Great Migration
Across the country and around the world, legions of people are abandoning their dependence on big business and seeking independence through their own enterprises. Every month, about 1 million Americans go through some type of job change or loss, and increasingly they are deciding to start their own businesses.
In a recent report titled Work, Entrepreneurship and Opportunity in 21st Century America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, “Millions of Americans are embracing entrepreneurship by running their own small businesses, through independent contracting or direct selling.” The report also cited a recent Gallup poll finding that 61 percent of Americans now say they prefer to be their own bosses.
6 Benefits of Entrepreneurship
1. Job Security. Only a generation or two ago, going into business for yourself was considered risky, and the safest route was to get a good job in a large firm. Now, working for a traditional corporation has become the risky option. Working for yourself has become the new job security. “If I’m working for someone else, I’m trading time for money, but I’m not building any equity,” says Duncan MacPherson, co-founder and co-CEO of Pareto Systems, a consulting firm. “As an entrepreneur, I’m the master of my own destiny.
2. Freedom. People love the benefits of working for themselves and enjoy the freedom they gain from designing their own prosperity. You get to choose when you work, how you work and with whom you work. Best of all, you don’t have to make the agonizing choice between time for family and time for business.
3. Flexibility. It doesn't matter if you're in a big city or small town. Entrepreneurship is an equal-opportunity employer. E-mail, cheap teleconferencing and a new generation of Web tools make it possible to run a fully competitive business from a home desktop. As a home-based businessperson, you can expand your business to Chicago, San Francisco, Hong Kong and London—and still make the soccer game.
4. Make More Money. There is far greater opportunity to make money by building your own business than by working for someone else’s. “Everyone has heard the phrase, ‘The American Dream.’ I look at it as ‘The American Reality,’ ” says Jeffrey Gitomer, best-selling author of the Little Red Book of Selling and the Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. “When you’re in business for yourself, you write your own history, you write your own success story, you write your own legacy and most important, you write your own paycheck. Being in business for yourself gives you the opportunity to work your heart out for something you love.”
5. A Life of Greater Impact. In the Decipher study, 84 percent of respondents said they would be more passionate about their work if they owned their own business. The No. 1 reason they gave for wanting to work for themselves: “to be more passionate about my work life.”
6. A Second Career. The nation’s 78 million baby boomers are just starting to reach retirement age, yet they’re realizing that they can’t afford to retire. What’s more, they don’t want to. Dr. Mary Furlong, author of Turning Silver into Gold, says, “Boomers are looking for ways to give back. They are taking the reins of their own futures and redefining their lives. They want work that reflects their values and identity; they want to make a difference.” A landmark study by MetLife Foundation and Civic Ventures found that 50 percent of Americans in their 50s and 60s want to do work “that matters.”
Taking the Plunge
“Leaving the rat race is not as daunting as it may seem,” says author Dan Clements in his guide to worklife balance, Escape 101. “You’ll look back in later years and marvel at how easy it was and how much you gained for so little cost.”
So what does it take? First, let’s look at what it doesn’t take. You don’t need an MBA or high-powered business background, and you don’t need to be rich or to take a second mortgage on your home. Some self-owned business opportunities require expertise, such as consulting, or can take significant capital investment and possibly training, such as real estate investing and franchises; some can be started on a shoestring and prove quite lucrative, including direct selling and online opportunities. Many of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time began with no advanced degrees and hardly any startup capital.
But make no mistake about it: What you save in cash capital you will make up for in sweat equity and passion. The major investment in most self-owned businesses is investment of one’s self in the form of time, focus and persistence. You don’t need to be a genius at negotiation or a whiz at numbers. You need a burning desire and determination fueled by a strong dose of passion!
Having spent his entire adult life in corporate positions, he knew he could go job hunting. But this was the fifth time he’d had a “secure” position shot out from under him, whether through downsizing, restructuring or other reorganization. With a wife and two teenagers to clothe and feed, he was no longer willing to trust his future to this game of corporate roulette. It was time to go into business for himself.
The Great Migration
Across the country and around the world, legions of people are abandoning their dependence on big business and seeking independence through their own enterprises. Every month, about 1 million Americans go through some type of job change or loss, and increasingly they are deciding to start their own businesses.
In a recent report titled Work, Entrepreneurship and Opportunity in 21st Century America, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, “Millions of Americans are embracing entrepreneurship by running their own small businesses, through independent contracting or direct selling.” The report also cited a recent Gallup poll finding that 61 percent of Americans now say they prefer to be their own bosses.
6 Benefits of Entrepreneurship
1. Job Security. Only a generation or two ago, going into business for yourself was considered risky, and the safest route was to get a good job in a large firm. Now, working for a traditional corporation has become the risky option. Working for yourself has become the new job security. “If I’m working for someone else, I’m trading time for money, but I’m not building any equity,” says Duncan MacPherson, co-founder and co-CEO of Pareto Systems, a consulting firm. “As an entrepreneur, I’m the master of my own destiny.
2. Freedom. People love the benefits of working for themselves and enjoy the freedom they gain from designing their own prosperity. You get to choose when you work, how you work and with whom you work. Best of all, you don’t have to make the agonizing choice between time for family and time for business.
3. Flexibility. It doesn't matter if you're in a big city or small town. Entrepreneurship is an equal-opportunity employer. E-mail, cheap teleconferencing and a new generation of Web tools make it possible to run a fully competitive business from a home desktop. As a home-based businessperson, you can expand your business to Chicago, San Francisco, Hong Kong and London—and still make the soccer game.
4. Make More Money. There is far greater opportunity to make money by building your own business than by working for someone else’s. “Everyone has heard the phrase, ‘The American Dream.’ I look at it as ‘The American Reality,’ ” says Jeffrey Gitomer, best-selling author of the Little Red Book of Selling and the Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. “When you’re in business for yourself, you write your own history, you write your own success story, you write your own legacy and most important, you write your own paycheck. Being in business for yourself gives you the opportunity to work your heart out for something you love.”
5. A Life of Greater Impact. In the Decipher study, 84 percent of respondents said they would be more passionate about their work if they owned their own business. The No. 1 reason they gave for wanting to work for themselves: “to be more passionate about my work life.”
6. A Second Career. The nation’s 78 million baby boomers are just starting to reach retirement age, yet they’re realizing that they can’t afford to retire. What’s more, they don’t want to. Dr. Mary Furlong, author of Turning Silver into Gold, says, “Boomers are looking for ways to give back. They are taking the reins of their own futures and redefining their lives. They want work that reflects their values and identity; they want to make a difference.” A landmark study by MetLife Foundation and Civic Ventures found that 50 percent of Americans in their 50s and 60s want to do work “that matters.”
Taking the Plunge
“Leaving the rat race is not as daunting as it may seem,” says author Dan Clements in his guide to worklife balance, Escape 101. “You’ll look back in later years and marvel at how easy it was and how much you gained for so little cost.”
So what does it take? First, let’s look at what it doesn’t take. You don’t need an MBA or high-powered business background, and you don’t need to be rich or to take a second mortgage on your home. Some self-owned business opportunities require expertise, such as consulting, or can take significant capital investment and possibly training, such as real estate investing and franchises; some can be started on a shoestring and prove quite lucrative, including direct selling and online opportunities. Many of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time began with no advanced degrees and hardly any startup capital.
But make no mistake about it: What you save in cash capital you will make up for in sweat equity and passion. The major investment in most self-owned businesses is investment of one’s self in the form of time, focus and persistence. You don’t need to be a genius at negotiation or a whiz at numbers. You need a burning desire and determination fueled by a strong dose of passion!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
10 Steps to Success in Direct Marketing
If you're looking for a lucrative homebased business, direct marketing may be just what you've been looking for -- offering you the possibilities of making your dreams come true.
Direct marketing is offering a product or service directly to the consumer via mail order, Internet sales, personal sales, etc., with no middleman involved. Many direct marketing companies are now being operated right out of the home. Home based business is the waive of the future and can offer you a wonderful opportunity to actually be able to compete with the large, well established companies with large bank accounts. That's what is so wonderful about the Internet. You don't have to have a large bank account to succeed. You just have to have a little "know how."
* 10 Steps to insure your success
What do you want to accomplish? Do you want a new home? Do you want to save for your children's college education? A new car? You can have whatever you want, but you must want it enough to do the things that have to be done in order to get it.
Set your goals, write them down and set a target date for reaching them. Set short term reachable goals and long term higher goals, yet don't set them too high. This will cause you to become discouraged if you don't achieve them. Work consistently towards accomplishing your goals each day, each week and each month until you reach your short term goals. When you have attained your short term goals, set them a little higher each time. Ultimately you will achieve your long term goals. Goal-setting is a must in every area of life.
Get up early each day. Get ready for your job as if you were working outside your home. Have a list of all the things you want to accomplish during the day. This will give you an organized approach to each day. It's amazing how much you can get done using a "To Do" list.
Set up a schedule and stick to it. Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm generates its own energy. Energy and good health are synonymous with motivated, happy people -- achievers.
Positive thinking will literally be your key to success. You have to convince yourself that you can succeed at whatever you desire, because you can.
Remember... The more "NO's" you get, the closer to a "YES" you become.
A schedule is your roadmap to success. If you have no direction, you'll travel in circles and ultimately never reach your goals. Plan your work then work your plan.
Success is 90 percent attitude and 10 percent aptitude. Learn the art of positive thinking. You can do whatever you put your mind to. It's mind over matter. Your attitude will either guarantee your success or guarantee your failure. Remember ... you're only a failure if you give up.
Most direct marketers work from their own homes, but it is still essential to set up a specified work area. Take pride in your business to ensure your success.
Set up a written budget. Set aside a percentage of your business income to put back into your business. This is a must. Failure to reinvest your money will result in the failure of your business.
Get plenty of sleep, eat right and take some time to stop and smell the roses... Be Persistent... Persistence Pays Off... Don't Give Up... Most Businesses fail Just At The Moment They Are About To Succeed...
Sales is one of the highest paid of all professions. "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."
Copyright © Shelley Lowery
About the Author:
Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, Web Design Mastery. And, Ebook Starter - Give Your Ebooks the look and feel of a REAL book. Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."
Direct marketing is offering a product or service directly to the consumer via mail order, Internet sales, personal sales, etc., with no middleman involved. Many direct marketing companies are now being operated right out of the home. Home based business is the waive of the future and can offer you a wonderful opportunity to actually be able to compete with the large, well established companies with large bank accounts. That's what is so wonderful about the Internet. You don't have to have a large bank account to succeed. You just have to have a little "know how."
* 10 Steps to insure your success
What do you want to accomplish? Do you want a new home? Do you want to save for your children's college education? A new car? You can have whatever you want, but you must want it enough to do the things that have to be done in order to get it.
Set your goals, write them down and set a target date for reaching them. Set short term reachable goals and long term higher goals, yet don't set them too high. This will cause you to become discouraged if you don't achieve them. Work consistently towards accomplishing your goals each day, each week and each month until you reach your short term goals. When you have attained your short term goals, set them a little higher each time. Ultimately you will achieve your long term goals. Goal-setting is a must in every area of life.
Get up early each day. Get ready for your job as if you were working outside your home. Have a list of all the things you want to accomplish during the day. This will give you an organized approach to each day. It's amazing how much you can get done using a "To Do" list.
Set up a schedule and stick to it. Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm generates its own energy. Energy and good health are synonymous with motivated, happy people -- achievers.
Positive thinking will literally be your key to success. You have to convince yourself that you can succeed at whatever you desire, because you can.
Remember... The more "NO's" you get, the closer to a "YES" you become.
A schedule is your roadmap to success. If you have no direction, you'll travel in circles and ultimately never reach your goals. Plan your work then work your plan.
Success is 90 percent attitude and 10 percent aptitude. Learn the art of positive thinking. You can do whatever you put your mind to. It's mind over matter. Your attitude will either guarantee your success or guarantee your failure. Remember ... you're only a failure if you give up.
Most direct marketers work from their own homes, but it is still essential to set up a specified work area. Take pride in your business to ensure your success.
Set up a written budget. Set aside a percentage of your business income to put back into your business. This is a must. Failure to reinvest your money will result in the failure of your business.
Get plenty of sleep, eat right and take some time to stop and smell the roses... Be Persistent... Persistence Pays Off... Don't Give Up... Most Businesses fail Just At The Moment They Are About To Succeed...
Sales is one of the highest paid of all professions. "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."
Copyright © Shelley Lowery
About the Author:
Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, Web Design Mastery. And, Ebook Starter - Give Your Ebooks the look and feel of a REAL book. Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."
1st Sales Achievement Level
- 40% EARNINGS GUARANTEED (and 25% on fixed earnings items)
- Order up to 3 demos of any product in each What’s New
- The Mrs. Albee Award presented by District Sales Manager
- Invitation to the President’s Recognition Program Gala Event
- NEW Birthday and holiday Invoice message
plus 5 Points* - Toll-free number for account services
- Advance Brochure Program—Receive a brochure two campaigns early for a small fee**
- Achievement Jewelry, presented at PRP Gala Event for highest level of achievement
- Congratulatory Invoice message upon reaching level and letter for highest level of achievement at end of cycle
** Look for an Invoice message upon achieving President’s Club. Trendsetter Representatives cannot participate.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Vitamins for the Mind by Jim Rohn
Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.
Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design.
How sad to see a father with money and no joy. The man studied economics, but never studied happiness.
The greatest source of unhappiness comes from inside.
Happiness is the art of learning how to get joy from your substance.
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Your Marketing Guide to Sizzling Summer Sales...Training 2
Encourage Customer Loyalty and Repeat Business
We know that it costs more to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one, so start rewarding your customers for their loyalty to keep them coming back. Here are a few simple ideas to get you thinking:
•Customer Loyalty cards. We see nail salons, cafes, and beauty supply stores use stamp cards to keep their customers coming back. Every time you have a manicure, buy a coffee or sandwich, purchase beauty supplies you are one stamp closer to a freebie. When the card is full, it’s your turn to reap the rewards.
• Create Repeat Customers . Encourage first time customers to come back by sending them an email offering them a discount off their next service or meal. You’ll create another opportunity to provide them with a memorable experience and to build affinity with your business. Use an offer code or include a coupon in an email following their first service so that you can calculate the program’s return on investment.
Launch a Customer Win-Back Campaign
This approach ties into the notion of customer loyalty. While your competitors may be taking the summer season in stride, your message will resonate loud and clear. You miss them and want them back. To win back a previous customer, it’ll cost you less than acquiring a new one. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
• Send lapsed customers a survey. Find out why they’ve taken their business elsewhere. Was it a service or price issue? Is there something you can do to win them back? Just asking the question shows that you care and you’ll probably learn something new about your business in the process.
• Offer an incentive to come back. Send them an email or postcard and offer them a discount off a product or service. It might be just the reminder that you mean what you say. Create an alert in your survey if someone answers a question reflecting a poor service experience. If they come back, work extra hard to change their mind. The difference now is you know why they left in the first place.
Get Personal
When times get tough, it’s your loyal customers who get you through a slow down. This summer, try to improve your service level through personalization. Here are a few suggestions:
• Get to know your frequent clients. Try to address them by their first name. One customer describes a nail salon they have been to a few times in the neighborhood and they never remember her name or even recognize her. It is a lost opportunity to create a memorable service experience. Simply calling someone by their name when they walk in the door can really make an impact, especially when they come in with a friend. Customers will feel popular and reassured they made the recommendation.
• Thank your customers for their business. This can be anything from a handwritten note or phone call, to a personalized email or postcard. Thanking your customers is just another opportunity to remind them that you value their business.
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